As the waters rushed and the creeks rose, exciting things were occurring. I may have been flooded in for two days this past month, but that didn’t stop me!!
I have two big announcements to make.
First: Ancestors is now available on Amazon. (Buy Here) Ancestors is the conclusion of The Binding trilogy, my series of books that take place in New Orleans. It’s been a wonderful adventure. I have been on this ride with Sybella Rose and Demien for several years. I’ve delved into the mysteries of voodoo and witchcraft. I’ve danced with the fae. And I have loved...oh, how I have loved...with the vampires as deeply as only an immortal being can love. I’m so proud of these three books: The Binding, Witch’s Pawn, and Ancestors. I truly hope that you guys enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

In the meantime, upon a nature walk, I discovered a small pile of deer bones. I'm thinking they will make great Halloween decorations. What do you guys think?
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