Friday, April 19, 2019

Break Room 67- Short Story Friday

Today's short story comes from Christian Terry, author of The Respawn Saga.

Links to his books and social media are down below. Let him know how much you enjoy his writing!


By Christian Terry

Frank adjusted his cleaning cart making sure he had all of his supplies with him. He had his mop, broom, dustpan. Various disinfectant sprays. Wipes. He also had protective cover for his shoes. Frank knew he would need them. He was heading to the infamous break room which his coworkers called Lab Sixty seven. The cleaning staff that had worked there had warned him about lab sixty seven. Several employees had quit because the room was a complete nightmare to clean. "Just go in clean up, leave." Frank said attempting to persuade himself down the dark and eerily quiet hallway. During the day the entire building was teeming with microbiologist. But not lab sixty seven. After fidgeting with his keys Frank pushed his cart through the lab room door. Inside, the entire room was impeccably clean. The desk which housed a telephone had a memo pad with a list of international numbers.  Nothing out of the ordinary here. He expected petri dishes thrown about with used lab equipment everywhere.  Frank then wandered the surprisingly compact room until he found a strangely drawn out trench that led from the dusty tile floor to a tiny hole in the wall. Before he could follow the trench to the wall, the wall folded revealing a hidden room with clothes strewn across the floor. Out walked a very short naked man in full stride. Frank stood as a horrified bystander as the naked man sauntered by in all of his glory. The short man then turned around now acknowledging a petrified Frank slowly eying him up and down." I'm usually afraid of heights you know, but not today.  Got any peanut butter fella?"  The man said with a wink. Frank dashed out of the lab room so fast that he tripped on the floor. He had been running so fast that when he looked down at his legs they were still moving. The building would now need a new employee.

Find and follow Christian Terry here:

Twitter: @christerry4000
Instagram: author_christian_terry


  1. This story sure grabs your attention, Christian! Thank you for sharing it!
