Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Positive Energy for the New Year

The first few weeks after the holidays are one of my favorite observational times of year.  It’s during this time that people engage in rebirth and renewal activities that to a Pagan mind bring on spring, but to a good Southern mind bring on the New Year.  The true purpose of simple actions like lighting candles to make a home seem homier when guests come by goes typically unnoticed.  Almost every home does it no matter what their religious persuasion.  They light candles or fires in their fireplaces, effectively holding the darkness at bay until the days gradually become longer reminiscing a time before electricity. 

People make New Year’s resolutions in an effort to better themselves or their lifestyles, not realizing that this, too, is an effort to banish negativity from their lives so that they are better able to receive the results of better choices.

The most common, Spring cleaning, which begins in every good Southern household just as soon as the Christmas decorations come down.  It’s a thorough cleansing of any built up energy, be it bad or good, and a rearranging of one’s living space to make it more inviting and open to receiving.   

All three of these examples are all about getting a fresh start.  They are about beginning anew without any of the past lingering or attaching itself to the open possibilities of the present, which is a good thing no matter what you personal beliefs happen to be.


  1. You nailed the southern aspect surrounding the coming of a new year! Candles, spring cleaning, resolutions...it's all about starting anew...a fresh beginning so to speak. I am hoping you and your loved ones have the bestest new year ever! Love and Peace my friend. =)

    1. Well, of course!! You know my own house is already in the midst of being spruced up for the upcoming year! Have a happy new year, Cin! I hope it's filled with peace, love, light and great concerts!

  2. The "Phoenix" in me lifts a glass, I totally believe in new beginnings. My entire life has been a jumble of starts and start overs. It is never boring, and though I am late in this comment (almost June, in 2 more days), I wholeheartedly am very careful regarding the energies which surround/fill our home and strive to keep things on a serene level. In saying this, I also always want to remain open and available, so that friends and loved ones may find a shelter here when they are faced with treacherous storms, I want our home to be a haven. Hopefully, enough good vibes will wash clean the harder stuffs! Happy New "Second Half" of the Year 2014!

    1. Yes, I think it's important to keep one's home a haven. Everyone needs a calming retreat. Here's to "good vibes and clean energies!" Happy New "Second Half" of the year to you as well!
